The Governors and Headteacher of Our Lady’s Catholic College seek to appoint a Chaplain with a strong personal Catholic Faith to work with both the young people and staff in our school community.
The Chaplain will nurture and Support the mission of our school as a Catholic community through the formation of liturgy, worship and personal faith. Our school views this as an extremely important role and an appointment that means a great deal to our pupils and staff.
Interested applicants are most welcome to visit the school.
Closing date: Wednesday 16th October
Short-listed candidates will be invited to visit the school on Wednesday 22nd October with interviews taking place on Thursday 23rd October.
For an application pack and further details please contact Katy Walker, Headteacher’s PA on 01524 66689 (Ext 207) or email staffkw@olcc.lancs.sch.uk Completed applications should be returned to Katy Walker.
OUR LADY’S CATHOLIC COLLEGE Morecambe Road LANCASTER LA1 2RX Tel: 01524 66689 Fax: 01524 849441
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