Sunday 16th November
11am to 3:30pm
At The Old Convent,
St Cuthbert’s, Wigton CA7 9HU
A day of celebration for the whole family. Something for everyone!
Activities for both teenagers and younger children.
Teaching on marriage and family life. With the FRIARS OF THE RENEWAL
Family Mass and time to relax over a shared lunch. (Please bring some food to share.)
Contact Andrew & Cathy Fava T: 016973 45623 e: afava@coretlumenchristi.orgIn association with Lancaster Diocese Marriage and Family Life Commission
Family Day for God

The Governors and Headteacher of Our Lady’s Catholic College seek to appoint a Chaplain with a strong personal Catholic Faith to work with both the young people and staff in our school community.
The Chaplain will nurture and Support the mission of our school as a Catholic community through the formation of liturgy, worship and personal faith. Our school views this as an extremely important role and an appointment that means a great deal to our pupils and staff.
Interested applicants are most welcome to visit the school.
Closing date: Wednesday 16th October
Short-listed candidates will be invited to visit the school on Wednesday 22nd October with interviews taking place on Thursday 23rd October.
For an application pack and further details please contact Katy Walker, Headteacher’s PA on 01524 66689 (Ext 207) or email Completed applications should be returned to Katy Walker.
OUR LADY’S CATHOLIC COLLEGE Morecambe Road LANCASTER LA1 2RX Tel: 01524 66689 Fax: 01524 849441

Thursday, 15th January
(and every alternate Thursday until 23rd April 2009
at 7.30 pm
Halton URC
High Road, Halton, LANCASTER, LA2 6PS
Children’s work is essential for growing the church. It’s vital to equip children’s workers and leaders for this ministry, and effective training plays a crucial part. Core Skills for Children’s Work is an interdenominational modular scheme that is comprehensive and highly accessible. The course is open to anyone who works with children in a church context – from any denomination.
Cost: £2 per session
(to cover the venue costs and all course materials)
R.S.V.P. by Friday 9th January to:
Leo Roberts, Youth and Children’s Work Training and Development Officer, URC Synod Office, Franklin Street, Patricroft, Eccles, M30 0QZ Tel: 0161 789 5174

We run retreats, pilgrimages, prayer groups; social activities and events for Catholics aged 20-30 in the UK. During the next four months we have trips to Knock, Santiago, Krakow and the Holy Land plus a whole host of socials and retreats. For more information about the group please visit our web site:
Volunteers needed can you help?
On volunteering Pope Benedict writes: "The willingness to take up volunteer work can have various motivations. Frequently it is simply born of a desire to do something meaningful and helpful, and out of a desire for new experiences". Lancashire County Council Volunteer Service is constantly looking for new volunteers to support vulnerable adults in the community and, linking to Pope Benedict's Prayer Intention for July "that there may be an increase in the number of those who volunteer…."
University of Cumbria Chaplaincy

GodSpace will take place on Mondays from 7-30pm for an hour in the Chapel, on the University of Cumbria Lancaster Campus. We begin on Monday September 15th.
For further information, please feel free to contact
Taizé – Meetings for Young Adults

Dewsbury (West Yorkshire) – Meeting for young adults
Provisional programme
2:30-3:30 pm arrivals (young adults and youth leaders)
3:30 pm introduction & workshops
5:45 pm supper
6:30 pm news / song practice / etc.
8:00 pm prayer (people of all ages invited)
9:30 pm evening event (for those staying overnight)
Overnight accommodation available for young adults.
Register in advance (necessary for supper, accommodation etc.) to
Those who can help to prepare the meeting (music, supper, etc.)
please contact initially
Greenbelt: If you can help with music (singing, instrument) for Taizé prayers during the Greenbelt Festival, 22-25 August, contact Ginny Jordan in advance: 01332 591878,
Calling on Young Musicians

The Diocesan Music Scholarship
written by Anna Sellars, Milnthorpe.
I recently had the opportunity to take part in the Lancaster Diocesan Music Summer School. The Summer School is part of a Scholarship, which is aimed at young people from 13 to 25, who can sing or play a musical instrument to any ability.
The idea is to join our young people in the diocese together and incorporate music into the catholic faith. Over the year there are 4 residential. These consist of 3 weekends (1 a term) usually at Brettargh Holt nr Kendal and a 5-day Summer School at Ushaw College nr Durham that this year runs from 4-8 August 2008.
Although I was only able to take part in 1 weekend, I did attend the Summer School. When I arrived everyone was really welcoming and keen to include me into the group. During this time we spent our time writing music parts for the mass, practicing pieces of music on anything from Violins to Electric guitars, learning about the history of church music (now I know it sounds boring, but it’s really not) and taking part in drama & movement sessions.
The Summer School is not all work, we had plenty of free time which we used as sessions to play anything but Church Music, we swapped each other’s instruments, played cricket or rounders with lot’s of cheating, and had time in Durham for shopping. And finally had a concert on Thursday evening when everyone performed at least once. You couldn’t get some people off the stage it was so good.
The Diocesan Music Scholarship is a really motivating and fun loving opportunity for any young person, I will be attending the Summer School again this year and hope that you will to.
If you are interested in further details of the Diocesan Youth Music Scholarship, please contact Maureen Cooper on 01772 828977
written by Anna Sellars, Milnthorpe.
I recently had the opportunity to take part in the Lancaster Diocesan Music Summer School. The Summer School is part of a Scholarship, which is aimed at young people from 13 to 25, who can sing or play a musical instrument to any ability.
The idea is to join our young people in the diocese together and incorporate music into the catholic faith. Over the year there are 4 residential. These consist of 3 weekends (1 a term) usually at Brettargh Holt nr Kendal and a 5-day Summer School at Ushaw College nr Durham that this year runs from 4-8 August 2008.
Although I was only able to take part in 1 weekend, I did attend the Summer School. When I arrived everyone was really welcoming and keen to include me into the group. During this time we spent our time writing music parts for the mass, practicing pieces of music on anything from Violins to Electric guitars, learning about the history of church music (now I know it sounds boring, but it’s really not) and taking part in drama & movement sessions.
The Summer School is not all work, we had plenty of free time which we used as sessions to play anything but Church Music, we swapped each other’s instruments, played cricket or rounders with lot’s of cheating, and had time in Durham for shopping. And finally had a concert on Thursday evening when everyone performed at least once. You couldn’t get some people off the stage it was so good.
The Diocesan Music Scholarship is a really motivating and fun loving opportunity for any young person, I will be attending the Summer School again this year and hope that you will to.
If you are interested in further details of the Diocesan Youth Music Scholarship, please contact Maureen Cooper on 01772 828977

Amateur Photographic Competition for Young People
Prizes 5-11 Winner £20 Gift voucher Runner up £10 Gift voucher and framed certificate12-16 Winner £25 Gift voucher Runner up £15 Gift voucher and framed certificate
Open to all Schools Youth Clubs Individuals Etc
Any subject matter
For an entry form and Competition rules
Contact Bruce McCalla 01253 720183
Any Youth Officer from your local
Knights of St Columba Council
Family Day for God

11am to 3:30pm
At the Old Convent,
St Cuthbert’s, Wigton CA7 9HU
A day of celebration for the whole family. Something for everyone! Teaching on marriage and family life. Activities for both teenagers and younger children. Family Mass and time to relax over a shared lunch. (Please bring some food to share.)
Contact Andrew & Cathy Fava T: 016973 45623 e:
In association with Lancaster Diocese Marriage and Family Life Commission
Northern Catholic Conference 2008
"Listen to my voice…"
Being a Catholic in the 21st Century
Being a Catholic in the 21st Century
6-8th June
Southport Floral Hall
A family conference for all ages
Youth Stream
Richard and Steve will be teaming up with a great bunch of Youth leaders to provide a prayerful, reflective and energy driven take on the Gospel. This exciting teenager stream will be specially facilitated for the 13-16 age range.
If you would like to attend but can only come for one day it is advised to come on the Saturday. To find out more, or to register, phone 0781 2064746 or go to
Evangelium Conference 2008

8th-10th August 2008
Fawley Court, Henley-on-Thames
Young adults (18 to 35) are invited to attend this new weekend residential conference
on ways of explaining the Catholic faith in the modern world.
For more information, visit or call 07526 908741
Fawley Court, Henley-on-Thames
Young adults (18 to 35) are invited to attend this new weekend residential conference
on ways of explaining the Catholic faith in the modern world.
For more information, visit or call 07526 908741
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